Sustainable Development Major
One of the first degree programs of its kind in the United States, Columbia University’s undergraduate major in sustainable development is founded on the principle that students must be trained in a variety of disciplines in order to be effective leaders in the field of sustainable development. The program is designed to ensure that graduates, upon completion of the degree, will understand the basics of the natural and social sciences and will be equipped to address complex problems across a wide range of challenges facing humanity.
A minimum of 15 courses and a practicum are required, for a total of approximately 47 points, to complete the major. Students will take courses within the following framework:
I. SDEV Foundation
II. Basic Disciplinary Foundation (Natural Science, Social Science, Quantitative Foundation)
III. Analysis and Solutions to Complex Problems
IV. Skills/Actions
V. Elective
VI. Practicum
VII. Workshop
A letter grade of C- or better is needed in all program related courses in order to satisfy the requirements for the major. P/F grades are only permitted in SDEV 3998.
For course descriptions and scheduling, check out the sustainable development Bulletin.